Video Vendredi – Vlogbrothers (John Green)

I get tired of mentioning John or Hank Green from Vlogbrothers and getting a blank look…

Lexy, this video is something John Green calls Question Tuesday on his (and his brothers) vlog, and he is honestly hilarious.

Hope you enjoy, check out John Green’s books HERE (yes, he’s a published author, and his books are amazing)

Check out the Vlogbrother channel HERE

A Nerdfighter is someone who, instead of being made out of cells and organs and whatnot, is made out of pure Awesome. Nerdfighter is like Freedom Fighter, in that they fight for Nerds, and this was made up during the earlier stages of Vlogbrothers, and most people become Nerdfighters because they follow John and Hank Green.

The Yeti mentioned in the video above is John’s wife, nicknamed as such because she doesn’t want to be in the videos. Hanks wife, The Katherine


Toby Turner is Tobuscus and is also awesome, and also plays games on TobyGames. Links to each of his 3 channels (he gets paid to make videos)

‘ship’ is you like the idea of two characters together in a relationship.

Wholock = Doctor Who and Sherlock. Apparently ‘shipped’. Another example of ‘shipping’ would be Johnlock (John/Sherlock) for any Sherlock related fandom, because I think everyone believes that there’s a bromance happening there. Other examples include Iron Man/Capt. America, Kirk/Spock, Naruto/Sasuke, and the reason why I’m using male/male ‘ships’ is because any time I hear about someone shipping two characters together, it’s usually two guys.

Hope you enjoyed ๐Ÿ™‚

INTERESTING FACT!: Hank Green, John Green’s brother, is not actually named Hank. He’s William. His family just decided to call him Hank instead of what’s on ย his birth certificate. I think it’s funny ๐Ÿ˜€