How to Untangle Headphones (and Never Want to Use Them Again)

One of the online comics that I read regularly would be Two Lumps (can find in my favourite links page), and one of them mentioned a rather odd video that I hadn’t ever seen before: “How to Untangle Headphones Using a Cat.”

I was rather curious about WTF they were talking about, so I Googled it and let the Youtube video load.

Here it is:



Pretty much my reaction right there.

Shock, grossed-outedness, a bit of laughter, and a dash of “WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO THE POOR CAT?”

If you had any combination of these reactions, you’re on the same side as my Sane side.

If your reaction was to wonder “What about if you don’t have a cat?” You obviously have a very similar Insane side to you as I have.


That cat was probably like this cat off screen:

“OmnomnomNomnom, Nomnom, nom…nom… WTF GUYS?!? NOT cool.”

Floss your cat indeed…