Eviction Notice

So, Lexy was the one who chose the phrase for this writing challenge via From My Write Side, and since I keep meaning to try out writing for one of these things…

I have to include the following phrase into my story 🙂



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Has anyone seen Julie & Julia?

The movie I mean.

No, I’m not missing two girls named Julie and Julia, and if I was, I would probably label this post “MISSING CHILDREN PLEASE HELP ME!”

However, as it is not, I will now admit to having seen the movie, Julie & Julia, for the first time this past Thanksgiving weekend.

What I want to know is how many people watched the movie, and thought through at least part of it that “Hey, I should do something like that! Also, I want to read that blog.”?

Well, I did.

I thought about what, exactly, I could do, as I’m not the greatest cook and am on a students budget, and I have to work on assignments and be social with friends and all that jazz.

I could do a drawing a day! I could scan it and put it on a post/day type thing! I could even up it to like, 2 drawings/day, so my goal would be 720 drawings by next year! in fact, I could do a comic or something about Gwynn like Lexy and I joked about!

Well, I don’t know if over the summer I’ll be working out in the woods again (and therefore without scanner and internet for the most part), and I haven’t been able to figure out the scanner quite yet. Also, a couple of vloggers on YouTube do taped drawings/day, and I don’t think I could do that all the time.

I could… do a rant per day? But a lot of blogs seem to be like that already…

I’m still thinking about what I could do, and will likely still be thinking about it next year, and, quite possibly, will be figuring it out after I graduate.

I want to know what other people were thinking when they were watching the movie, or what they were scheming about, what blotting (blog plotting :D) they did, and maybe what suggestions would work for me 😀 I could just do a question a day, or, like the guy who wrote The Book of Awesome, I could write about one awesome thing every day. I could write a short story every day…

What do you think?