Sisters, Not Twins Though…

This past Easter Weekend my family came to Ottawa.

This was nice, as it meant that I wouldn’t have to make the treacherous journey myself to Toronto.

There was a great deal of walking (not as much as one would think though), we went to the Museum of Civilization (GO THERE! Especially if you have kids. Not specifically kid-oriented, but a lot of things for them to touch, look at, all that stuff), ordered too much food on more than one occasion, and, among other things, they helped me start packing up.

Some may be reading this, checking the date, wondering why I am packing up now rather than later, closer to when the actual school term ends, and I’m going to have to say it’s because there’ll be less crap to pack up at the end of the year this way.

Three bins of stuff, a couple of boxes, a shelving unit that they brought down part way through the school year, and some other things, and my room is much sparser, but likely will be much easier to pack up in May.

See? I’m not just crazy here.

The packing was done on Sunday, with much cleaning and failed organization on my part (and cleaning on the family’s part, I admit), and at one point, nearing the end of the moving-stuff-to-car phase, Mom and I were in my room, and Lexy was in the kitchen…

I heard the Yeti, my only female roommate come in and say “Hi!” to Lexy.

In my mind, this was a normal thing. The Yeti is being friendly. Ok.

I walked out of my room and into the kitchen, and said Hi myself.


The Yeti had apparently thought that my sister was me. I at first thought that her startled yell was over the bins in the kitchen… but no. It was the startlement of saying Hi to someone, getting a response, and then having the person you thought you just said Hi to come into the room. And say Hi back again.

I still giggle over it… I think I take too much pleasure in people mistaking me for Lexy and Lexy for me, and us for twins…

we really aren’t.

There is more than a one year gap between Lexy’s and my own age. More than 3, in fact.

So it’s funny that I look that old, and Lexy looks that young, and we look that much like each other despite such a gap…

And we sound pretty much the same as well.

I mentioned that I probably take too much pleasure in us being mistaken for each other?

That extends to the phone.

So it is totally understandable that the Yeti thought my sister was me, and despite me having some colour in my hair, and Lexy’s hair being shorter than my own…

To show, here are two pictures of My sister and I side by side

Lexy: Left & Me: Right

This is over last summer, taken at Grundy Park (where I worked).

Me: Left & Lexy: Right

This is a slightly more recent picture, before I got colour in my hair.

So yeah, entirely understandable…

But still makes me giggle.

Another highlight of this weekend was Blueberry pie.

We had some…

and I have the leftovers 😀

Pie is delicious.

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!

Doodled93 aka Tall Sister

Hey all!

This is Tall Sister (known from Lexy0387’s Gone for a Walk), but  more commonly known as Doodled93 at,, and, and probably other, future writing venues. Yes, for those of you who know, I am indeed the one who helped savagely prepare a duck last February during our family’s Hogswatch, (you can also look it up in the Terry Pratchett Wiki) I am the one who takes a good portion of the rather, if I do say so myself, glorious/gorgeous pictures for the blog (though, yes, a lot of them are found online as well)…

If you know me from any of the other writing venues (more likely in fanfiction I believe), you will know (or not, depending) that I have major issues holding personal work and proffessional work hand in hand, in equality, and more often than not end up freaking out about updating a story because I was finishing an assignment/essay, or freaking out about how I should have been working on that assignment/essay instead of that new chapter that I just posted.

Yes, my life really IS just THAT fun.

Hmm, I only really decided to try for one of these blog things because I’ll be going to some university next year (I have two that are my main goals, with one that I’ve already been accepted to), and it’ll be an interesting way to remember everything, and possibly keep my family updated when I’m shoulders deep in various paints and mediums and don’t have clean enough hands to contact thet ‘rents. I’m sure Lexy can at least be the go-between, unless she goes all Lex Luthor due to creepy men at work 😀 Love you Lex *mwah*

Hmm, I just had a thought about what if any of my friends found this… I may actually send them a link, but while I’m at the same school?… perhaps not…

Sad thing is that a good number of my buds know what my username is, if only because they’ve seen me signing review responses with ~Doodled93~ , so now I’m kind of contemplating changing the username… great way to start a blog eh?

Sadly, unlike my lucky sisters, my name doesn’t shorten to anything really great (and no, I have a rather unique name, so whatever you’re thinking my name is it’s probably wrong), or anything that can be written with people looking at it, squinting, and trying to sound it out while giving it weird accents (I know this for a FACT from experimentation) and getting a result like a body part of an underwater creature.

When I was in middle school though, the secretary had a bit of a funny sort-of English accent, and it mangled my name just that little bit  any time that she called me down to the office (and no, it didn’t hapen THAT often). It sounded a lot, up till 8th grade (when she finally got her mouth around it), like she was calling for Danny _(insert my last name)_, and it confused most of the permanent teachers at the best of times.

At the worst of times, substitute teachers would inform the secretary (over my protests that no, she was talking about ME) that there was no Danny _(insert my last name here)_ in this class.

So perhaps I can go by Danny, or Dani, or some other clever letter change of the name Danny… I don’t know. Thoughts on this?

Oh, also, the link to this will probabl change later, once I figure out something a bit more appropriate than “Drawn in and Quartered” with it’s lousy artistic (and slightly violent) pun.

